Thursday, 30 September 2010

Volvo Matchplay Competition.

Gents, following our disappointment in trying to rescue the Patterson Trophy, it gives me great pleasure to inform everyone that Anthony McCullough and Brendan Delargy have successfully won their regional qualification in the Volvo Matchplay Competition. On Tuesday afternoon they defeated a 2 & 6 handicap better ball from City of Derry GC. Now they travel to Scotland for national finals. Although this is not an official GUI event it is fantastic to see 2 of our members achieving great heights. We will follow them avidly in Scotland, I’m sure.

Terry Johnston
Club Captain

Monday, 27 September 2010

Volvo Matchplay Championship

Greenacres Golf Club members Anthony McCullough and Brendan Delargy play the final qualifying round of the Volvo Matchplay Championship at home tomorrow (28th September 2010).

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Winter League 10 /11

From the last of the Turkey shoot-out on the 23rd October 2010 until the first summer competition on the 2nd April 2011 there is a 22 week period for our Winter Golf Season.

See Events Page for full details of the Winter League Competition

Members are asked to put the £10 entrance fee for the Winter League into the envelopes provided, write their name clearly on the outside and place into the Match & Handicap slot of the cabinet.

Closing Date for Entries: Sunday 17th October 2010

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Tee Time


Due to the 36 hole Club Champion competition on Saturday 18th September 2010 there will be a big change to tee times. Please check the start sheet published in the Centre.

Also members scheduled to play after 15:26 HAVE TO find an earlier time as the Golf Centre has allocated tee times to a society. If you turn up after 15:26 you will not be able to play.

Inter Club Competitions

The North Antrim Shield team will play the final on Sunday 19th September 2010 as Club Captain Terry Johnston aims to lead the club to a forth successive title.

Also in action over the weekend will be a four man team representing the club in the East Antrim Trophy.

Then on Sunday 26th September teams will compete both at home and away against City of Belfast for the Patterson Trophy.

See club notice boards for further details

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