Friday, 7 January 2011

Summer Start Times

The Draft Summer Start Sheet has been based on the master start sheet at the end of the previous years summer competitions for the last couple of years and the Club have found that our approach suits the majority of members. Without a start sheet in operation a large number of members would turn up for the most popular slots between 9am and 11am.

As a club we are aware this means the only available tee-times are in the afternoon and this doesn't necessarily suit every member looking for a permanent slot. This is why we have a rule in place that requires members unable to play in a Saturday competition to remove their name from the start sheet before 5:30pm on Friday. Giving members who would like a different tee-time the opportunity to take up an earlier/later slot.


  1. There is nothing to stop a monthly draw for the tee off times being made which would ensure all of the members get a fair crack at the preferrable tee times?? What are the total number of members currently as there appears to be around 240 menbers playing on a saturday? Perhaps the playing members on a Saturday would pay more?

  2. The Match & Handicap committee would consider any alternative method for allocating tee times, if there was support from the majority of members.

    There are approx 340 full members of the Golf Club this doesn’t include juniors and students members.

    Please remember it is the Golf Centre who set the fee’s you pay and not the Golf Club.


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