Thursday 7 April 2011

Annual Matchplay Competitions

The draws for the 2011 Matchplay Singles and Pairs competitions have been made. Both draws can be found on the Club Competitions page.

Please continue to check the draw sheets on the notice boards for the dates each round should be completed by and contact numbers for your opponents

Match & Handicap Committee


  1. what way does the handicaps work for the pairs comp. ??? do u just play as normal of ur proper handicap ??? never played in this before and was just wondering what way it works ???

  2. hi ive entered the pairs comp. for the first time this year and was wondering how it works ??? do you just play as usual with your own handicap or is there another way to do the handicaps ??? thanks for your help

  3. The handicap allowance works as follows: The player with the lowest handicap plays off scratch. The other players receive strokes based on 3/4 of the difference between his handicap and that of the player with the lowest handicap.


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