Sunday 7 August 2011

The Course

Captains Thoughts: If you have listened to or read a news headline recently you can not help but notice that things are tough financially and believe it or not these have an impact on Greenacres Golf Club. Like everything else the cost of maintaining the course is increasing year on year, so it means there is less money for the additional work the members and owners know needs carried out. Sand in bunkers, sprinkler system, tee boxes I'm sure the list is endless.

I know for a fact not every member would want or could not afford to pay higher fee's each year or make a one off payment just to get a sprinkler system. Until such time, surely as golfers we should trying to learn the skills to play to the best of our ability no matter the condition of the course/greens we are playing.

Please remember the course is only 15 years old. Ask any of the members how much it has improved in that time and just think what it will like in another 15 years.

Personally I think the course and greens are in the best condition they have ever been.

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